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16 December 2016. A DARPA funded experiment (Operation Alpha) created the first ever batch of "Specials", in a bid to increase homeland security. These were genetically modified soldiers with enhanced genes, created for specific purposes and built to have a superior advantage over the rest of the human race.


But over the years, society resented the power these "Specials" had. They called for equality and the removal of these exceptional and enhanced humans from among us. 


16 December 2023. Under the administration of new President Isaac Ironfist, all remaining "Specials" in society were apprehended and removed.  Everything was now back to it was before. The "Specials" were transported back to the Patriots Research Facility in southern New England, where the research for Operation Alpha first started, to be hidden away from the rest of the world. You are one of those brought back to the facility.


* * *


You wake up in an unknown room next to two others. “They must be Specials too,” you think to yourself. But where are you? Why are you here? What’s next? Your gut tells you that this is some kind of game. What’s the catch?


Then you hear a voice through the vents. “Test Number 97. Subjects: Alpha, Bravo, Charlie. Level 1. Solve the puzzle to move on. Take too long and die. Begin.” You try to engage the voice, but it is gone as quickly as it came. You have no choice now – it is the three of you against the system.


Are you truly Special?

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