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Medford, MA – December 16, 2016 – M(ig)hty Studios proudly announces its debut title, three-player multiplayer puzzle game “Special”. The title will be released today and is playable on Windows platforms.


You wake up in an unknown room next to two others. “They must be Specials too,” you think to yourself. But where are you? Why are you here? What’s next? Your gut tells you that this is some kind of game. What’s the catch?


Then you hear a voice through the vents. “Test Number 97. Subjects: Alpha, Bravo, Charlie. Level 1. Solve the puzzle to move on. Take too long and die. Begin.” You try to engage the voice, but it is gone as quickly as it came. You have no choice now – it is the three of you against the system.


Push blocks and solve puzzles to get keys. Keys unlock doors (if you use them in the right way). Doors let you pass through them to the next room. Repeat – until you escape or until your time has come to an end. Whatever the case, be sure to leave no one behind.


As you shout at your friend or curse at your collective mistakes, this exceptionally unique puzzle game will either make or break a friendship. It is impossible to solve the game alone, and if you don’t work together, nobody wins. What are you waiting for? Grab two friends and test to see if you are truly “Special”.


M(ig)hty Studios is an independent group operating out of Medford, MA. Visit us online at


For more information, contact the team at


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